Increase e-exports using your own data

Every e-commerce site can sell abroad. The important thing is to get to know the visitors and present the right product whenever they need in order to increase your sales abroad. Analyze your website visitors in detail according to their behavior. To increase your e-exports, get to know your visitors, create detailed segments based on their behavior on your website, and remind your products online by retargeting them.

Special segments for the countries you want to export

Convert visitors to your website into customers with promotions and advertisements in countries where you want to deliver your products. Separate the data of your authorized visitors with geographical segments on country basis. For example; group your website visitors from Germany and UK visitors into separately targetable data segments. Create retargeting campaigns that can turn potential customers into new customers, specific to each country.

Data Management

Separate visitors to your website based on their behavior

Every visitor to your website is a potential customer for you. Show the products they are interested and interested in to convert the visitors you bring to your site into new customers with their long promotional efforts.

  • Determine which country the visitors from your target market come from with country-based segments and make special advertisements in the language of the visitors.
  • Recognize and analyze the needs of your visitors by monitoring their behavior such as reviewing products, adding products to the cart, visiting a product more than once, and the time they spend on a product page.
  • Don't lose the first time visitors to your website, convert them into new customers. Increase purchasing rates by segmenting your customers according to their behavior and needs.
  • Show the advertisements of the products your customers may need in the future by examining the products they have bought before.
  • While increasing brand awareness in your target markets increase your sales with data management and data-targeted ads.
  • While creating data segments, create your target audience by evaluating many rules such as the device used by the visitors, the products they visited or put into the basket, from which source they came to your site, which page and how many times they visited.
  • Target people who interact with your products online with localized ads in the countries where they are located. Communicate with your potential customers in a way they can understand and encourage them to buy.
  • Upload your products with XML feeds and use the automatic segments to be created for each category and product in your campaigns as you wish.
  • Easily transfer your THEAD DSP integration segments to the DSP platform and quickly create retargeting campaigns.


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